Features & Inclusions of Top-Up Health Insurance Plans

top up health insurance plan

Features & Inclusions of Top-Up Health Insurance Plans

With disease and illness on the rise, ahealth insurance policy is a must-have in today’s world. One of the best features of health insurance are network hospitals as they provide you with cashless treatment in times of need. Under this method, your treatment bills are directly settled by your insurer. On the other hand, if you don’t visit one of their network hospitals to avail treatment, then you will have to pay for the treatment yourself and request a claim reimbursement from your insurer. However, you need to submit original hospital bills and receipts while applying. 

But sometimes, your coverage is not sufficient for the treatment. At times like these, you will need extra protection; but how do you get it? 

Top-up health insurance

A health insurance plan provides you with financial protection in times of emergencies. But what do you do if your plan is not able to offer complete coverage for the expenses? For example, if the treatment costs more than what your policy is offering you, you will have to pay the extra cost yourself. However, a top up health insurance plan will help solve your problem. 

A top-up plan is a standalone plan. You can purchase it from your existing insurer or go to another to purchase it. While purchasing a top-up plan, a deductible amount must be arrived upon. At the time of insurance claim, you must bear the cost of this deductible while the insurer will bear the remaining cost. This is because the top-plan that you’ve purchased will only pay for the amount exceeding the deductible amount.

When do you need it?

A basic medical plan offers you limited coverage. If the hospital charges you anything more than that, it can put a hole in your pocket. To save you from the financial burden, health insurance companies have come up with top-up plans that will make you feel secure. You can purchase this and upgrade your existing plan easily at any time.


Here are a few things that are included in a health insurance policy:

Pre- and Post-hospitalization cover

Along with the treatment bills, the policy offers coverage for any expenses 60 days prior to hospitalization as well as 90 days after the treatment.

Emergency ambulance cover

The ambulance charges are taken care of. There is an option of air ambulance cover as well that you can opt as an add-on.

Daycare procedures

The expenses for treatment of daycare procedures as well as surgeries are covered by the policy.

Floater cover for entire family

Insures all members of your family under a single insurance cover.

Pre-existing diseases cover

The medical conditions that you already had before insuring yourself will be covered after a certain ‘waiting’ period and not immediately.

No pre-policy check-up up to 45 years

You will only need to get a pre-policy health check-up done if you have exceeded the age of 45.

Entry age up to 80 years

The insurance policy will offer coverage to the insured member up to the age of 80.

Maternity cover

The costs related to maternity and related complications are taken care of under the insurance policy. However, it has its own terms and conditions.

Top-up health policy

Upgrades your plan in case of financial emergency. 


Along with the above-mentioned benefits, the health insurance policy has additional advantages too, such as:

Preventive health check-up


Hassle-free claim settlement 

Portability benefit

Tax saving

Make sure you always go through the policy document thoroughly and read the terms and conditions. You must also be aware about the exclusions as well as inclusions of your health insurance policy. See to it that your benefits don’t overlap. Cross-check the advantages that your existing health insurance policy offers and compare it with that of the top-up plan. 

The brand website is a reliable source to turn to when you require information regarding what is health insurance, or how to file a claim and much more.


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