AspectWise – Find best product as per your requirements


Hello friends, Today I am going to share with you information about AspectWise new website with very unique and useful concept. is a website recently launched by IIT Alumni startup to help people in figuring out which electronic device to buy based on their needs and preferences. It is for buyers. Here buyers can easily select best product as per there requirements. The main products of this site are electronic devices like Mobile, Headphone, Speaker, Laptop and tablet.

Here let me tell you some features of each products which you can choose base of your needs and preference.

First select the device which you want to purchase.

Then set the min price and max price for that device – means set the price range in which you are looking to buy your product.

Now for Mobile you can select which one is best for you from – Design Fan, Heavy User,Camera Lover, Video Buff, Comfort Conscious, Gamer…

For HeadPhone selection you can consider these features – Audio Perfectionist, Comfort Conscious, Rock and Bass Fan, Design Fan, Heavy User, Loud Music Lover…

Here are some features of Speaker – Audio Perfectionist, Rock and Bass Fan, Design Fan, Heavy User, Loud Music Lover, Avid Traveller…

To select best Laptop for you ask yourself which all of these you are ? Heavy User, Design Fan, Comfort Conscious, Video Buff, Gamer, Camera Lover…

And last for Tablet – Design Fan, Heavy User, Camera Lover, Video Buff, Comfort Conscious, Gamer…

Let me explain with an example.

  1. Suppose you want to buy a new mobile phone and you are really confuse which one is best for you and which one you should buy.
  2. Now visit this website
  3. Select your device – Mobile
  4. Next set the price rang – suppose your range is 5000 to 15000
  5. Then select your requirements as many as you want form the option – lets say you are a design fan and camera lover.
  6. Last click the button “Find the best Mobiles for Me.
  7. aspectwise
  8. You will redirect to the page with the list of Best Mobiles under 15000 for Camera and Pics with user ratings, user reviews and online shop links(Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeals, etc)  from where you can buy you mobile with its price.
  9. At the end you will find the best mobile as per you needs and preference - Honor 4Xaspectwise

I really like this concept, it will save my time and effort. Else I have to do research on products and visits different sites to compare and find my best product.

Thank you to the team of AspectWise for the unique concept to help buyers.

Hope all of you enjoy reading this post and find something useful in it.


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