JEE Main 2019 : Know Right Order to Solve Test Paper


JEE Main 2019 : Know Right Order to Solve Test Paper

There are only a few months left for the JEE Main 2019 exam, one of the toughest engineering entrance examinations in the country. The shift details and exam dates have been released already by NTA. If you are a student aspiring for JEE Main exam, you have to be ready with some smart strategies to make it work in the final examination. Most of the students preparing for JEE Main continue their preparations along with their board examination’s studies. Most of the syllabus is covered by NCERT books so it is easier to grasp all the concepts quickly.

The few things that can give you an edge over the others are practice tests and mock tests for JEE Main. If you have not yet started with them, you should start attempting mock exams right away as the JEE Main Admit Card will be released by mid-December and you should allow the remaining time for revision only.

JEE Main 2019 strategies

When sitting for JEE Main 2019, you should be well aware of the question paper pattern. If you have taken mock tests already, you are already familiar with the pattern. If not, let us break it down for you.

JEE Main 2019 will have three sections – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The total allotted time is 3 hours. It will be a computerised test with MCQ and there is negative marking for each wrong answer.

To score better in JEE Main 2019, you have to learn some important strategies which include time management, selecting questions and eliminating questions. You should also know about the right order to solve the paper. Of course, you attempt of each section will depend on your preparation, but, according to experts, you can save more time for difficult questions by some smart planning. This includes knowing the correct order to attempt.

JEE Main 2019 right order to attempt

There are various ways you can approach this strategy. The order of solving that can save maximum time for a student is, Chemistry followed by Mathematics and Physics. The main strategy to score better in JEE Main 2019 will be to select the questions you can answer easily and not linger on difficult problems. Approximately 40 minutes can be allotted for each section.

Usually, chemistry is the easiest section in JEE, mainly because there are more theoretical questions. Unless you are extremely good in maths, this should be the first section you attempt. Questions from organic chemistry are more direct and easier to solve, followed by inorganic chemistry. If you have clear concepts you can quickly solve this section and move to the next one. There can be two to three difficult questions in this section. You should not waste time if you cannot figure them out. Topics like chemical bonding, Periodic Table, Redox Reactions and derivatives of Carbonyl compounds can have quite direct questions based on concepts.

The second section that should follow chemistry is mathematics. You should start with algebra as it has maximum weightage for the mathematics section and also can help you fetch good marks. Calculus, quadratic equations and coordinates can have easier questions so try to solve them accurately without silly mistakes. While studying, revise the formulas very well so that you can save more time during calculation. Questions from Matrices can also be easier, so try not to skip those.

Physics can be attempted at last as it can be the toughest section in JEE Main. If attempted in the beginning, you may lose much time trying to work out the problems and have little time left for the other two sections. You have to find some direct questions and answer them first. The aim should be more correct attempts and less negative marking. Topics like atomic physics, the theory of relativity, nuclear physics can have simpler questions on them. Questions from electricity and magnetism are also quite scoring so try to answer those as well. You should learn the laws to solve problems correctly. However, if you are not able to solve at one go, it is advisable to skip them for last.

Finally, correct order to attempt JEE Main 2019 will also depend on your expertise in a section. If you are good in physics you can attempt the section after chemistry. If you are good in mathematics you can start your paper with it as well.



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