Parent Taught Drivers Ed Texas: What to Know

Parent Taught Driver Education Texas


No one can guide a child like his or her mother. Driving is not beyond it. The parents can be the better instructor than others convenient institution in learning driving. Because as a parent you know your child best, what is their strength, what is the weakness, and how they like to be taught.

And the parents who like to take this challenge can fulfill their tempting desire easily through parent-taught driver education (PTDE). The most important thing is that the course is not only for the parents. Other guardians of the family are also eligible for the course to be the instructor of their teen members.

Drivers education Texas is such a platform that let you be the instructor of your own child through a quality ensured course.  As a dweller of the state of Texas, you can also get the opportunity of driving instructor.

In this article I have brought up for you a complete overview of parent taught education that let you be more knowledgeable about it and eventually you can choose the right platform for you. So, let’s see.


Benefits of Parent Taught Driver Education Texas

You will get trained from TDLR-approved PTDE course provider in Texas

They provide a fun, engaging, and interactive Driver’s Education course

Your teen will get the opportunity to take the first 6 hours course for free

Provides convenient way and a low-cost course to your teen for taking driving education

Upon completion of the course, you will have the opportunity to take charge of driver education of your teen.

You will be eligible to practice behind-the-wheel driving exercises.

Eligibility for Parent Taught Driver Education Texas

To get enrolled in this course you must fulfill some requirements. You have to go through the following conditions when you want to start it.

Must be the parent, grandparent, stepparent, step-grandparent, or any legal guardian

Must bear a valid driver license during last three years

Must not have a revoked, forfeited or suspended driving license

Must not be declared disabled for the mental illness

Must not be received a probated sentence or convicted of/for a homicide before.

Course Structure

The course is designed with several tutorials and of course, live help. Over all in the course you will have the following teaching format. 

Tutorial on Requirements and course documentation

Firefox Audio Fix Tutorial

Live Help Tutorial

Timer Tutorial

PDF Tutorial

System Walkthrough

Payment Tutorial

Final Verdict

No doubt, parent taught drivers ed Texas is a great opportunity for the parents who want to teach their teenage son and daughter by own.  Through this course, you will have permission to teach your siblings driving.

I hope you have now overall idea about this course. Now as a parent take the chance and be the driving instructor of your own child.


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