Windows 10’s Major Feature you need to Know


Windows 10 is an operating system created by Microsoft as a component of the Windows NT group of operating system. Officially disclose in September 2014 after a brief demo at Build 2014, the operating system entered an open beta testing procedure in October 2014, paving the way to and proceeding through the consumer release of Windows 10 on 29 July 2015, and its release to volume authorizing on 1 August 2015. To support its adoption, Microsoft reported that during its first year of accessibility, Windows 10 eventual made accessible for free of charge to clients of genuine copies of eligible releases of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.

Best Feature of Window’s 10:

  • Refreshed User Interface
  • Window’s 7 like start Button but with better UI
  • Cortana
  • New Mails, Calendar, Photos and Map Apps
  • Continuum
  • Edge Browser
  • Action Center
  • Xbox Streaming for PC
  • HoloLens
  • Window 10 Phone

I think you are known to certain things but haven’t heard about 2-3 new features of Window10, so let’s talk about them:


  • Cortana:

Cortana is incorporated with the system native search function, pulling in both local and web based data at whatever point you perform a search on your machine. It likewise crawls your mail and calendars to give updates and reports on up and coming occasions, plane tickets, touring plans, and more without you having to request for it.


  • Continuum:

A major bit of Windows 10’s new interface is the Continuum feature, which lets devices that can be both tablets and PCs consistently switch between the two modes. Continuum permits Microsoft to keep the tablet-style interface ideas of Windows 8 without meddling with the desktop interface that works best with a mouse and keyboard.


  • Edge Browser:

Edge is a totally upgraded browser that is lean, quick, and supports modern web experience. It additionally incorporates helpful components, for example, Alliance with Cortana and a note-taking mode that gives you a chance to doodle on a webs page and share it with others.







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