Ex-Oasis chief Richard Glanville in Ricci Gallagher death arrest

Richard Glanville in Ricci Gallagher death arrest

Richard Glanville, the ex-CFO for Oasis, Warehouse and Coast, was arrested in the wake of attempting to defend himself from a man who broke into the property with a baseball bat, neighbors claimed.

A second man, accepted to be his gardener, was also captured after Ricci Gallagher endured head wounds in the scuffle at the £2million property.

Delivery driver Mr Gallagher lived a large portion of a mile from Mr Glanville in a wooden shack which was destroyed by fire just minutes earlier.

Police said they were connecting the occurrences and were examining why Mr Gallagher was at the farmhouse. Officers are hoping to address witnesses who may have seen any “suspicious or uncommon movement” in the range.

They are keen trace the driver of a lorry towing a trailer and a man driving a grey Vauxhall car in the region somewhere around 09:00 and 09:30 BST on 30 July.

Margaret Bryan, 66, who lives close by, said: ‘I arrived at the time and the entire stretch of street was loaded with police and fire engines.

‘I heard that Ricci had gone into the house with a slugger and began crushing the place up. He was being hawkish and they must have attempted to stop him.

Click here for more references:

  1. http://newscodex.com/ex-oasis-chief-richard-glanville-in-ricci-gallagher-death-arrest-bbc-news-659251dcfa9045ba8d424067f16413f1
  2. http://inewspress.org/news/exoasis-chief-richard-glanville-in-ricci-gallagher-death-arrest-bbc-news
  3. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-essex-33973501



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