How To Avoid Travel Insurance Claim Rejection

Travel Insurance

When a customer opts for an insurance policy, what’s the one thing that he dreads the most? Undoubtedly, the rejection of the claims that he makes in times of need. Like every other type of insurance policy, a travel insurance claim also gets rejected. When a claim is rejected, there are multiple things going on in every policyholder’s mind like ‘Why did my claim get rejected?’, ‘What can I do to avoid the rejection of my claim?’. In order to resolve all these questions, take a look at these tips given below:

Why your travel insurance claims get rejected?

It is very disheartening when your claim is rejected. Moreover, these rejected claims have the power to kill the vacation mood as the responsibility of finance totally comes on you. Amidst all that, it is our duty to find out the reason behind the rejection. So if your claim is rejected, here are a few reasons why it has:

When you haven’t carefully been through the exclusions of your travel insurance, you surely have no idea about what your policy does not cover. And if you still unknowingly opt for what your policy excludes, it is natural for your claims to be rejected.

When you don’t submit all the bills and paperwork during the registration of your claim, the policyholder makes sure himself that his claim goes rejected. During the time of the registration of claims, all the hospital receipts need to be compulsorily submitted. 

When you don’t declare your medical condition at the time of registration, the insurance company is unable to understand your medical history. Failure to disclose medical history paves way for the reimbursement claims to go unconsidered. 

How to avoid the claim rejection for travel insurance?

Read the terms and conditions carefully

Reading the terms and conditions of your policy paves the way successfully for the acceptance of your claims. Once you have purchased the travel insurance, review the policy and later, contact the insurance company in case of any doubts or queries. While you go through the policy, keep a keen eye on the exclusion and limitations, deductibles, and the stability period.

Submit all the required paperwork 

An important part of the registration of the insurance claim is the submission of all the required documents by the insurance company. Therefore, take extra copies of all the invoices and records of treatment at the time of your hospitalization. These documents will simply help you while you’re registering your claims. Delay in the provision of these documents or failure to provide it will lead to the rejection of your claims. 

Provide accurate information 

When you fill in the details in your application form, provide the right and truthful information pertaining to your medical history. This is simply because, after the registration of the claim, the insurance company goes through your medical records vigorously. If they find out a loophole in the information given by you, they will immediately reject your claim without considering anything. Therefore, see to it that all your personal details are absolutely correct in all senses.

Now that you know how to avoid rejection of claims like a pro, when are you making a claim again? Keep these tips in mind when you’re making a claim especially for domestic travel insurance and medical travel insurance. These proactive steps will avoid the fear of rejection permanently and successfully resolve all your problems. However, if your doubts and queries still prevail further, the best is to take professional help. 


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