JEE 2020 – Latest Changes, Syllabus and Cutoff Marks


The National Testing Agency (NTA) has made available the official JEE Main Syllabus for 2020. This year onwards, JEE Main will be held in 3 papers –

Paper 1 – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

Paper 2 – Mathematics, Aptitude, Drawing

Paper 3 – Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Planning Based Questions

Here are some more modifications which have been made this year onwards:

  • Number of questions: The number of questions per section has been reduced from 30 to 25. Also, 5 questions out of the 25 will be numerical with the rest 20 being multiple-choice.
  • Number of attempts per year: The candidates will be allowed to appear for the exam twice a year. The best of the two scores will be considered final.
  • B.Planning – For the very first time, B.Planning will be held separately. It will be conducted in three parts: Mathematics, Aptitude and Planning-based multiple-choice questions.

Now let’s have a look at the JEE 2020 Syllabus:

  • Syllabus for Mathematics JEE 2020


Complex numbers and quadratic equations

Matrices and determinants

Sets, Relations and Functions

Mathematical induction

Permutations and Combinations

Mathematical reasoning

Limit, Continuity and Differentiability

Integral Calculus

Three-dimensional Geometry

Differential Equations

Binomial Theorem and its Simple Applications

Vector Algebra

Statistics and Probability


Coordinate Geometry

Sequences and Series

  • Syllabus for Physics JEE 2020

Physics (Section A)

Physics and measurement

Rotational Motion



Work, Energy and Power

Properties of Solids and Liquids


Laws of Motion

Oscillations and Waves

Electronic devices

Kinetic theory of gases

Current electricity

Communication systems

Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents

Magnetic effects of current and magnetism


Electromagnetic waves

Atoms and nuclei


Dual nature of matter and radiation

Physics (Section B)

Experimental Skills

  • Syllabus for Chemistry JEE 2020

Chemistry (Physical Chemistry)

Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

States of Matter

Atomic Structure

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Chemical Thermodynamics



Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry

Chemical Kinetics

Surface Chemistry

Chemistry (Organic Chemistry)

Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds


Chemistry in Everyday Life

Principles related to Practical Chemistry

Organic Compounds containing Halogens

Organic Compounds containing Oxygen

Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen


Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry


Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry)

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties


Block elements (alkali and alkaline earth metals)

P Block elements group 13 to group 18 elements

d- and f – block elements

Co-ordination compounds

Environmental chemistry

General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals

The National Testing Agency will be declaring the JEE Main Cutoff 2020 post the declaration of the JEE Main results. The cutoffs will be of two types- qualifying cutoff and admission cutoff.

Qualifying Cutoff is the minimum marks that a candidate must score in order to qualify for JEE Advanced. It will be released along with the declaration of JEE April Session result.

Admission Cutoff is the minimum rank a candidate must get in order to obtain admission into JEE Main participating institutes. It will be declared by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority also known as JoSAA. That’s all for now. Wish to know more? Visit BYJU’S.


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