Chris Oyakhilome in Zimbabwe

Chris Oyakhilome in Zimbabwe

The recent Worship and Communion Miracle Service in Zimbabwe took place in the National Sports Stadium of Harare, the countries capital. It was a huge success. Over 100,000 registered and countless unregistered visitors attended the event. This huge crowd was expected, particularly since admission was completely free. The event organizers girded the stadium with seven overflows being erected for the anticipated large crowd. Still, this was a lot for the 60,000-seater to hold and it was packed to bursting minutes after the gate opened.

It was so well attended primarily because of the appearance of the main speaker, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. His sermon was also broadcast on local television networks so that even more could hear it. Although his 25-years-long ministry has been immensely influential and continues to rise in popularity, he has not been without his critics. His has, for instance, been much criticized for his view of the man’s role in marriage. Last September this controversy came to a head after one of his sermons on marriage was put on Christ Embassy’s Facebook profile.

In the sermon he stated that husbands should be called “masters” rather than “male partners.” His own marriage life is also after under scrutiny after he finalized a divorce from his wife on February 8. But criticism of his ministry and life is rare. He has been lauded all over the world and is an immensely popular speaker wherever he goes. The recent WCMS event is a prime example. This was the second WCMS, with the first taking place in the UK last month. His visit was prefaced a month earlier by his friends and fellow workers Pastor Tom Amenkhienan and Evangelist Eddy Owase.

While here, Amenkhienan assured the media that Chris Oyakhilome would soon be coming with a revelation from God specifically for Zimbabwe. Both of these two men have played a big role in the life of Christ Embassy. Pastor Amenkhienan is Pastor Chris Oyakhilome current right hand man and Pastor Owase was the founding president of Christ ministry. He said that the people of Zimbabwe should expect to be dramatically changed in a very real way. Pastor Chris finalized his sermon with a prayer for Zimbabwe and then told the crowd that they could expect great things to take place in Zimbabwe during the next several years.
Chris Oyakhilome worldwide ministry combines Bible teaching, miracles, and preaching on prosperity gospel. He is enabled to do all of this through Christ Embassy International. The official name of CEI is Believers’ LoveWorld Incorporated. CEI is a growing network, with churches and campus groups constantly sprouting up all over the world. His daily TV show can also be viewed via TV networks just about everywhere. One of the greatest of its popularity is right here in the U.S. One very influential Christ Embassy Church is in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area. To find out more information about Pastor Chris and Christ Ministry, do a Google search; the internet is chock full of useful information about this man of God and his ministry.


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